mastoid bone

  • 乳突骨;骨乳突
mastoid bonemastoid bone


process of the temporal bone behind the ear at the base of the skull
Synonym: mastoid mastoid process mastoidal


  1. Characteristics of Pulsed CO_2 Laser Ablation on in vitro Human Mastoid Bone Tissue


  2. Do you feel a pain when I press on the mastoid bone behind your right ear ?


  3. Investigations on ablation threshold and thermal damage of human mastoid bone tissue by applying medical laser systems in vitro are presented .


  4. If client complains of pain , gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone .


  5. The mastoid bone membrane in tympanoplasty : with a report of 314 ears Application of two auricular cartilage-perichondrium complexes in tympanoplasty


  6. In the operation , temporal fascia was used to repair the drum and self cortex of mastoid bone or artificial porcelain auditory ossicles were used to reconstruct the ossicular chain .


  7. The relationships of depth and thermal damage of crater created in bone tissue by pulsed CO2 laser with energy density were discussed . The ablation threshold of the in-vitro human mastoid bone tissue was also obtained .


  8. B. Palpate auricle for texture , tenderness , and presence of lesions . If client complains of pain , gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone .


  9. Conclution mastoid cortex bone and self-incus are feasible materiat to tympanoplasty , while self-thrombus and gelatin sponge is good support material for reconstructing auditory ossicle chains .


  10. Rebuild scute with auto-bone or infill the mastoid cavity with auto bone pieces ;
